Difference Decay

December 29, 2021

Here’s a variation on the damper I keep coming up with uses for. I find my code that uses it a bit subtle and annoying to figure out, hence this post.

That theorangeduck post is about springs, which could be an interesting extension to this, but this post is setting our sights lower.

My first use for this was to clean up a noisy/unreliable clock by using a high resolution clock, taking the noisy clock’s drift as authoritative. But I think of it more generally, as combining two signals s and n to produce a third with the short-term character of s but the long-term average of n:

float update(float *accumulator, float dt, float s, float n)
    float acc = *accumulator;
    float err = s - n;

    acc += err;
    acc *= expf(-dt);
    float x = n + acc;
    acc -= err;

    *accumulator = acc;
    return x;

accumulator is initialized to 00 and we expect dt to be small and positive, so you can mentally substitute expf(-dt) with 1 - dt.

The easiest way to explain it is to work backwards. The +=, -= pair removes a delay term (err_prev in the following), and is equivalent to:

err = s - n;
acc = (acc + (err - err_prev)) * expf(-dt);
err_prev = err;
x = n + acc;

To see what this is doing, suppose we don’t apply the expf(-dt) decay factor. Then, over all s and n, we get something like cumsum([0, diff(s - n)]), which is a no-op. Written out,

acci=acci1+(errierri1)=k=0i(errkerrk1)=k=0ierrkk=1ierrk1=erri=sini \begin{aligned} \text{acc}_i &= \text{acc}_{i-1} + (\text{err}_i - \text{err}_{i-1}) \\ &= \sum_{k=0}^i (\text{err}_k - \text{err}_{k-1}) \\ &= \sum_{k=0}^i \text{err}_k - \sum_{k=1}^i \text{err}_{k-1} \\ &= \text{err}_i \\ &= s_i - n_i \end{aligned}

so our value for x would always equal the most recent s. Likewise, if we zeroed out acc completely, the damper would return n every time.

Applying the decay to acc lets us decay old updates to the difference between ss and nn. If ss and nn grow at the different rates, this shrinks the gap between them and stops them drifting apart. But if nn updates less frequently or with jitter, this fills in the missing/incorrect detail with ss.

If you care about tuning the decay factor or having something more momentum than exponential decay, check out the theorangeduck post. It’s good!! One thing to note is this damper doesn’t have any stability problems for large dt that I’m aware of, you just lose more history.

While retreading the maths for this post and trying to see if I could get it to look more intuitively damper-y, I noticed that if you scale the error difference term by the inverse of the decay to cancel out the first decay you get

acci=[acci1+(errierri1)exp(dt)]exp(dt)=acci1exp(dt)+(errierri1) \begin{aligned} \text{acc}_i & = [\text{acc}_{i-1}+(\text{err}_i - \text{err}_{i-1}) \exp(dt)] \exp(-dt) \\ &= \text{acc}_{i-1} \exp(-dt) +(\text{err}_i - \text{err}_{i-1}) \end{aligned}

which looks similar to the simple damper:

x = lerp(x, g, 1.0f - expf(-dt))
  = g + (x - g)*expf(-dt)

Instead of repeatedly folding g into x, we’ve isolated x - g as acc, and we repeatedly fold updates to g into acc, which we decay. This idea of isolating the difference is what I was thinking about when I came up with this; it’s really another phase inversion trick. So maybe applying this scaling factor is more correct?

Anyway, I came up with this to fix a decades old visual stuttering issue in the rhythm game Etterna, a fork of Stepmania. They position objects on the screen by repeatedly querying the system audio API for it’s playback position. This turns out to work exactly as you’d hope on some hardware and APIs, and really not work at all on others. The game is visually stripped down enough that this looks like it has bad frame pacing issues, but the issue was entirely due to the reported audio position. There are variations here (figured out with Tracy):

So I wanted something that would eliminate jitter for all of these, without any parameter tuning, and not degrade the ideal ‘good driver under WaveOut’ case in any way. This worked well.

One thing here worth mentioning, where s is high-quality time from QueryPerformanceCounter or equivalent and n is low-quality time from somewhere else, is that we only have samples s(t0)s(t_0) and n(t1)n(t_1). That is, we do not actually know the values of tt, and we just assume t0t1t_0 \approx t_1. For this problem in particular, you might want to take a third sample s(t2)s(t_2) and check that s(t2)s(t0)s(t_2) - s(t_0) is sufficiently small before using n(t1)n(t_1), as your time slice can run out between sampling ss and nn.

I wish I could say something about control theory here, since this kind of thing seems to be right in its wheelhouse. But I don’t really know any.

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